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These last few weeks Peter and Rosie have helped us learn about our body and its parts as well as the clothes we can put on. We have been working on this vocabulary in different ways: looking at flashcards, singing different songs, colouring, listening to storybooks and playing some games. We have so much fun doing these activities while we are learning the vocabulary!

Moreover, as you already know we have started the routine of the “Reading Kit”, in which we can practice the different parts of the face by reading the story “Go away Big Green Monster”. Learning by doing is such an adventure!! 


Aquestes darreres setmanes el Peter i la Rosie ens han ajudat a aprendre sobre el nostre cos i les seves parts així com la roba que ens podem posar. Hem treballat aquest vocabulari de diferents maneres: mirant les flashcards, cantant diverses cançons, pintant, escoltant contes i jugant a jocs. Ens ho passem molt bé fent aquestes activitats mentre anem aprenent el vocabulari!

A més a més, com bé ja sabeu hem començat la rutina del “Reading Kit”, en la qual practiquem les diferents parts de la cara tot llegint el conte “Go away Big Green Monster”. Aprendre a través de l’experimentació és tota una aventura!!

Coneix el nostre equip! Mestres amb il·lusió!

Llengua Anglesa





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