Hello everyone!
These last few weeks Peter and Rosie have shown us some food in English: spaghetti, pizza, salad, soup and milk… “Yummy!” We talked about what food we like and what we don’t like. We love to play games about this topic and singing the song “I’m hungry”. We have been working on this vocabulary in different ways: looking at flashcards, colouring in drawings of food, listening to storybooks, preparing food through symbolic play.. we are having so much fun doing these activities while we are learning the vocabulary!
Hola a tothom!
Aquestes últimes setmanes el Peter i la Rosie ens han estat ensenyant aliments que ja coneixem: espaguetis, pizza, amanida, sopa…“Yummy!” Ens encanta fer jocs sobre el menjar i cantar la cançó “I’m hungry”. Hem treballat aquest vocabulari de diferents maneres: mirant les flashcards, pintant plats de menjar, escoltant contes, preparant menjar fent joc simbòlic… Ens ho passem molt bé fent aquestes activitats mentre anem aprenent el vocabulari!