Hello friends and families!
During the last weeks we’ve been doing lots of fun things. We continue learning English vocabulary by doing the routines, songs or interesting stories. We love dancing!
We also organize some fun games where we can practice grammatical structures. At the same time, we enjoy the game Mr. Wolf, where we can practice numbers.
We love learning English!
Hola amics i families!
Durant les darreres setmanes hem fet coses mooolt divertides. Seguim aprenent vocabulari en anglès a través de les rutines, cançons o contes. Ens encanta ballar i ho passem genial.
D’altra banda, organitzem jocs on podem practicar estructures gramaticals i juguem a jocs com per exemple Mr. Wolf, on podem practicar els números.
Ens encanta aprendre anglès!